Author Archives: admin_imw

Focus on Technology & Telecom

Revista Business Review împreuna cu Internet & Mobile World vă invită la cea de-a opta ediție a evenimentului Focus on Technology & Telecom, care va avea loc pe 22 noiembrie la Hotelul Sheraton Bucharest. Membrii comunității IMWorld se pot înscrie gratuit folosind codul “IMW@T&T” in campul “discount code” din formularul de inregistrare sau contactând organizatorul […]

Fraud & Compliance – The Way from Prevention to Deterrence

In data de 17 noiembrie, Asociatia pentru Prevenirea si Combaterea Fraudelor (APCF) organizeaza a 3-a editie a conferintei internationale “Fraud & Compliance – The Way from Prevention to Deterrence” care are ca scop principal alaturarea la efortul global privind minimizarea impactului fraudelor si promovarea educatiei antifrauda. Evenimentul va avea loc la Athenee Palace Hilton, sala Le Diplomate, Bucuresti. Invitat special: Martin Vaughan –Director General, Vaughan Training & Consultancy. Mai […]

Cum a fost la IMWorld 2017

Inovatiile de ultima generatie si solutiile digitale ale viitorului si-au dat intalnire la cea de-a sasea editie Internet & Mobile World 2017, cea mai mare expo-conferinta cu solutii digitale si de IT pentru business din sud estul Europei, care s-a desfasurat la Romexpo intre 4-5 octombrie. Evenimentul a reunit peste 140 de speakeri pe cele […]

eMAG @Internet & Mobile World – Follow-up

On October 4-5, we had the pleasure to support the Internet & Mobile World event as Networking Partners. Briefly, we had fun and learn along the way, and interacted with many interesting people. We want to thank the ones that visited our booth and were present at our speech, held by Florin Filote, Marketplace Director, […]

Singura conferința de marketing dedicată companiilor de IT din România ajunge la București

După două ediții de succes organizate la Cluj-Napoca, singura conferință de marketing dedicată companiilor din sectorul IT din România se mută la București. În data de 26 octombrie, la Alexander Ballroom, specialiștii de marketing și HR vor avea ocazia să își actualizeze cunoștințele de Employer Branding și Product Marketing. Conferința va avea loc sub motto-ul […]

Big Value or Big Chaos?

Information Management and Governance in Times of Big Data Analytics Brent Dykes, Director of Data Strategy at Domo Inc., once wrote in Forbes: “Data is the new purple.” He referred to the fact that the color purple used to be “royal” and only available for wealthy people; until someone discovered a way of producing it […]

M24Seven attends IMWorld 2017

Like every year at IMWorld, M24Seven is delighted to meet ICT professionals that go the extra mile for better connectivity and internet infrastructure worldwide. This year, our promise is to bring you MORE: – M-Host offers including datacentre and colocation, managed and dedicated servers and partnerships for better resiliency and disaster recovery – M-Connect business […]

Questia Delivers Fresh Insights to Help You Stay on Top of the Digital Transformation 

Market research can help companies identify how digital transformation impacts their customers’ needs and preferences, as well as the key trends and developments of the industries they activate into.   At Questia Group, we think that it is of vital importance to be permanently connected with what happens around us, in order to tackle the respective needs and trends from an early stage. Further on, […]

Cum intram in Cloud cu Oracle Infrastructure as a Service?

Poti castiga un avantaj competitiv prin simplificarea si standardizarea infrastructurii on-premise – iti reduci costurile si efortul operational si iti imbunatatesti securitatea si disponibilitatea sistemelor – in timp ce iti faci planuri pentru viitor cu o tranzitie usoara in Cloud-ul Oracle. Infrastructura Oracle Cloud iti permite sa alegi orice optiune de migrare rapida si agila […]

Criteria & VTM – limbaj comun intre IT-isti, manageri, controller si departamentul financiar – contabil

Cine suntem? VTM este cea mai mare firma romaneasca de contabilitate oferind servicii de tipul one-stop shop in domeniile: Procesarea datelor şi contabilitate;   Consultanţă fiscală, due diligence şi servicii de audit;   Asistenţă juridică şi expertiză judiciară;   Asistenţă pentru finanţare şi consultanţă financiară;   Servicii administrative, de reprezentare şi management;   Resurse umane; […]

FUN-AFTER-WORK with 7card @IMWorld

Refresh your mood, not just your apps. Be mobile first – for real. Add content to your life, not just your website. 7card invites you to IMWorld to discover solutions that take your eyes OFF the screen. Ironic, we know. But you and your colleagues will love it.    7card is a unique card that grants you full-time access to 40+ sports & leisure activities, in 470+ centers – […]

Streamline your business and head for digital transformation

Competitors taking market share, stakeholders’ dissatisfaction and industry changes are all factors that can dramatically affect organizations. As George Bernard Shaw famously said “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” and applies to businesses as well. Transformation should start by defining where the business wants to be […]

eMAG – Sustaining your future

Our eMAG story began in 2001. We knew even back then that it is essential to anticipate the customers’ needs (individual or corporate) and pay attention to their every visit on the website. We built the platform with this state of mind. We developed constantly; we diversified the offer for our clients by adding new […]

SMB Power Package

Internet & Mobile World has become over the years more than the largest B2B Expo-Conference for IT and Digital Solutions in the SEE, it has become the place to be for discovering new products, services and trends but above all the place where you go to get a glimpse of the future. Internet & Mobile […]

Logika: Noul Regulament privind protecția datelor personale (GDPR)

De la 25 mai 2018 va intra în vigoare Noul Regulament al Uniunii Europene privind protecția datelor personale (GDPR). Ceea ce știm deja este că GDPR este cea mai strictă reglementare în această privință, de până acum, că va intra în vigoare cu siguranță la acea dată, că reglementările EU vor prevala în fața celor […]

CustomSoft sustine transformarea digitala

In 2015, 7% dintre companiile din Romania efectuau comert online, fata de 20% media la nivelul Uniunii Europene, conform Eurostat. In ultimii doi ani, din ce in ce mai multe companii din Romania au realizat ca pentru a supravietui sau a creste, au nevoie sa fie prezente si sa vanda online. Suntem prezenti la IMWorld […]

Troffee is returning to IMWorld.

We told you we’d be back, and we meant it. 🙂 Once again, Troffee is coming to Internet & Mobile World, one of the most important events we’re attending in Romania. Being the first company to ever produce a truly smart & connected coffee maker, it’s only natural for us to come back to IMWorld […]

Clico is coming at IMWorld

Clico is known as one of the largest specialized value added distributors of networking and network security solutions in Central and Eastern European markets. We understand business needs delivering necessary and effective tools to protect information at multiple levels, to build efficient and secure networks, tools enabling secure access and supporting consistent management across them. […]

Woobble is coming to Internet and Mobile World!

We want to change the way that you see the internet. We are a small highly trained, multicultural and dedicated international team that delivers an unique blend of quality and cost effective solution for every business small or big. Our services includes multiple areas of interest such as Web Design, Web Development, CRM, ERP and […]

The Digital Box at IMWorld 2017

The Digital Box S.p.A., headquartered in Italy, Spain and USA was founded in 2013 by a group of marketing visionaries and a team of skilled developers of digital platforms. More than 10.000 clients are using our innovative solutions to generate more leads, more lead conversions, more revenues at a lower cost and, more intelligence on […]

Bitcoin, Ethereum and blockchain are not rocket science

There’s a lot of hype around digital currencies these days. We keep hearing about Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchains, ICOs, smart contracts, DAPPs in the media on a daily basis. But what are they? How do they work? How can they help me or my business? One of our core missions here at CoinFlux is to educate […]

Servel at IMWorld 2017

La IMWorld 2017, Servel, distribuitor specializat in vanzarea de consumabile si echipamente de printare, cu o experienta de peste 25 ani pe piata din Romania, va prezenta tehnologii noi, ce remodeleaza modul de printare si scanare documente. Tehnologia HP PageWide imbina comoditatea și fiabilitatea unei imprimante cu costul pe pagină (CPP) al unui copiator. Imprimanta […]

VR technology is changing the games industry

VR Center este o companie dezvoltata pe ultima tehnologie de piata in ceea ce priveste domeniul realitatii virtuale. Este o companie relativ noua in spectrul industriei de gaming din Romania, dar asta inseamna ca este si moderna, aducand un suflu proaspat in lumea celor pasionati de jocuri. Misiunea acestei companii este de a revolutiona industria […]

WebMagnat at IMWorld 2017

Internet and Mobile World represents an important event in WebMagnat’s agenda and we are proud to present our creative solutions for web design, naming, branding and marketing strategies. Since 2007, we develop at the same pace as technology does, so that with every challenge that comes across us, we implement innovative and user friendly functionalities. […]

RedSharp is coming at IMWorld

Leveraging on the pool of skilled resources available in the best ICT-oriented Romanian city, Cluj Napoca, RedSharp supports enterprises in increasing productivity, flexibility and responsiveness toward changing market needs. In a few words, RedSharp fosters competitivity building powerful solutions based on IoT, mobile devices, in-memory computing, ERP integration, and more. To increase understanding of user […]

L’Or is coming at IMWorld

L’Or brandul de cafea premium lansat in aceasta toamna pe piata din Romania, merita servita unor consumatori deosebiți. Fie ei pasionati de tehnologie sau cunoscatori ai artei cafelei, noi vrem sa le punem în prim plan lecția corectă: faptul că premium nu echivalează întotdeauna cu prețul. Calitatea este atributul mult căutat. Din toamnă, L’Or va […]

Logiq Design at IMWorld

Internet & Mobile World este cea mai mare expo-conferințe Business to Business pentru IT și soluții digitale din sudul și estul Europei. Acest eveniment are ca scop sprijinirea mediului de business din Romania și adoptarea digitalizării în toate industriile pentru a mări efeciența și productivitatea. IMWorld este un prilej de a cunoaște specialiști din toate […]

JJ Displays at IMWorld

Al treilea an consecutiv echipa JJ Displays participa la Internet & Mobile World. Va asteptam la standul nostru sa va prezentam stative pentru orice tip de tableta. Vom prezenta 3 categorii de stative: pentru expunere perete, podea si birou. Stativele pentru tablete se folosesc în showroom-uri, la târguri, HORECA, bănci, centre comerciale etc. Vino cu […]

DynamiXRM at IMWorld

Hello, nice to meet you! How are we and what we do? Well, we are humans and we enjoy life. In DynamiXRM, we do what we like most: we are go-getters. It’s more than software, it’s about experiences and growth. So, let us present you GoGet365® which is DynamiXRM’ s product suite developed using the Microsoft platform: GoGet365 Portal, GoGet365 Office of the future (RO: Biroul Viitorului), GoGet365 EcoReport & GoGet365 Money. For more details about GoGet365® products, please visit: For […]

Consilo WEB is coming at IMWorld

Consilo WEB este o companie sibiană specializată în externalizarea serviciilor de vânzare la distanță. Din 2015 aducem valoare partenerilor noștri adaptându-ne soluțiile la cerințele și nevoile acestora, creând astfel experiențe pozitive pentru ei și pentru clienții lor. În ultimul an, ne-am specializat în Telesales pentru industria Telecom, în special pe servicii de loializare și retenție […]

Xpert Eye – a digital transformation initiative for your organization

Digital transformation is the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology to improve the way it performs and serves its constituents. Digital refers to the use of technology that generates, stores and processes data. The term transformation refers to a fundamental change to an organization’s day-to-day business from the types of products and services it produces […]

Mircea Grigoraș, CERT-RO Deputy General Director: “We estimate that 59% of the IT systems in Romania are vulnerable”

CERT-RO is one of the institutions responsible with cyber security in Romania. How does a major cyber-attack look like from CERT-RO’s perspective? We have recently had the opportunity to observe such a situation with WannaCry. We saw how things can become confusing when everyone starts commenting on the subject and those comments get presented as […]

Paperless or less paper?

Live demonstration at NextDocs booth Every day we are reminded that we live in a digital age. We read the news or we do our banking online. Yet our offices are still “seeding” paper based processes.   In 2016, humans created more than half a billion tons of paper. It’s no wonder that more than a quarter of all landfill waste is paper. Not only is […]

HERE: Autonomous driving 

The rich promise of autonomous driving is often discussed, with benefits from cheaper car insurance, to shorter journey times being touted. The question, however, is how do we get there? How do we get to a place where these benefits aren’t just discussed, but realized?  To achieve autonomous driving, mastering the map is essential. Highly […]

AMR o lună până la Marketing 4 IT: ce ți se pregătește

Cea de-a treia ediție a conferinței Marketing 4 IT prinde tot mai mult contur. Cu o lună înainte de data evenimentului, 26 octombrie, organizatorii dezvăluie ultimele noutăți, dar și o parte din ce li se pregătește participanților. Centrat în jurul temei “Sit Down with the Professionals”, evenimentul va reuni 16 speakeri, specialiști în Employer Branding […]

eflex – build your own features!

Did you ever need to change a simple thing in your website but had to contact the IT department for that? With eflex we are trying to provide a new way for companies to manage their websites. Fast and reliable, full with all kind of automations the platform will make you rethink the way you […]

MB Distribution at IMWorld, a solid partner for digital transformation

There is always a gap between desire and reality, but sooner or later, technology builds the bridge to move the present into the future, No more than two decades ago, digitalization was more like an abstract concept. Of course, there were scanners, printers or OCR software for reading a printed text, but using them at […]

 GCouriers at IMWorld

When ambition and strong management are a source of motivation, you start dreaming big, so this is how GCouriers project was born.  We believe in a receptive market with huge potential, we belive that success comes from satisfying your client needs with premium services. We belive that dedication and commitment grants you the ability to deliver great services to big and complexe businesses.   GCouriers is a project that ofers solutions to […] at IMWorld 2017

Flowers and technology… What do they have in common? Some might say NOTHING, but we, here at, we say EVERYTHING! Technology is our number one development platform that helps us reach clients worldwide, deliver love anywhere in the world, overcome distance and all boundaries. is the first ever online flower shop in Romania, […]

The VR Quest Arena: amazing virtual reality experiences

Evolve Media is a creative company on a mission to amaze, thrill and entertain. We engineer astonishing experiences by combining the latest technologies with innovative ways of communication and well-crafted content. Our goal is to create unforgettable multi-sensory experiences, that deeply involve and excite the public. Our creativity has wandered and bloomed in more than […]

Retail & HoReCa – Gone Digital 

15 years ago, local Retail and HoReCa businesses were barely in their infancy, only then starting to blossom after too many arid decades of economic dormancy.   The many entrepreneurs that started a business in the 2000s needed a partner to undertake all the responsibility and efforts necessary for an optimal and functional Fiscal System. This was the […]

We at BRINEL, strongly believe in digital transformation

We at BRINEL, strongly believe in digital transformation. We implement innovative solutions for effective work, for you to have more time to enjoy life! Marcel Borodi, CEO & Founder BRINEL BRINEL started its activity in 1991, in Cluj-Napoca, becoming one of the main Romanian integrators of computer systems. The software, hardware and communications solutions as well as the packages of services provided […]

Luxoft Training – IT&C training services by industry experts

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” is probably one of the most overused quotes when it comes to business but on the other hand is has the great advantage of almost always being true. From time to time the […]

ExpertAccounts, primul ERP în cloud din România, prezintă soluţia All-in One pentru toate tipurile de business. 

Într-un mediu de afaceri competitiv sunt vitale elemente precum accesul rapid la informații, viteza mare de prelucrare a datelor şi rapiditatea luării deciziilor. ExpertAccounts oferă o soluţie completă care permite companiilor să devină mobile. Scopul nostru este să dezvoltăm relaţii B2B, să câştigăm încredera publicului prin prezentarea soluţiilor noastre. Acest eveniment este o oportunitate de networking, de a pune bazele unor viitoare parteneriate. Obiectivul nostru este de a forma legături noi, de a crea noi relaţii si să furnizăm informatii calitative care facilizează stabilirea de noi contacte cu participanţii, generarea de idei si parteneriate, tehnologizarea. Expert Software, cu o experienţă de peste 20 […]

Digitally transform your business with Dynamic DOX®

Businesses have always been changing and innovating and so have technologies. Traditionally, technology has a more rapid pace and organizations struggled to keep up. Nevertheless, digital technology keeps changing the face of business and will continue to do so in the future. In this context, companies are becoming more and more preoccupied with new digital […]

Do you know a better way to manage your entire business? Just discover.

Choosing the next generation business management solution for your enterprise can have great impacts in your business. A modern and flexible business management solution can have a significant impact to your business and bottom line. For instance, a best-in-class management solution can bring you more than 73% increased productivity (source: Aberdeen Research). Sage X3 solution […]

Smart is here to stay and grow pervasive

Smart is everywhere, from smart phones to smart cities – no matter if welcome or avoided by some of us. The world of “smart everything, that goes everywhere”, next to the already overexposure to information, bring the change to an almost unbearable pace. Those who adapt and welcome it, will be the winners of tomorrow. […]

IMWorld: Automatizarea, un raspuns la intrebarea: Cum gestionam si procesam mai eficient datele si documentele companiei noastre?

Anul acesta Zipper Romania isi anunta prezenta la IMWorld 2017, cel mai amplu eveniment business dedicat solutiilor de IT & Digital. Zipper a decis sa se alature acestui eveniment in calitate de Partener, cu scopul de a aduce in prin plan eficienta automatizarii fluxurilor de date si documente, ca raspuns la provocarile actuale din domeniu. […]

Creative Ones is coming at IMWorld

With an experience of over 400 active projects and an impressive number of successful projects, Creative Ones is a business partner that will build your entire app as you desire using the best IT Technology available on the market. With a range of common values with our partners such as Engagement, Integrity, Passion and Transparency, […]

Chargers for low power generation

Mobile phones have become a necessity for many people around the world. Ability to keep in touch with family, business partners, and access to email are just some of the reasons why the importance of these devices has increased. Mobile devices, whether they are phones, tablets, handhelds, cameras, electronic cigarettes, audio players, smartwatch, or any other type […]

The Bright Corner of Internet and Mobile World 2017

Fall of 2017. We are coming closer to Internet and Mobile World, one of the best tech events in Bucharest, a must-attend event for anyone interested in technology and innovation. And we are very happy and proud that Bright Agency is the Ofiicial Digital Partner of the event. With a abundance of networking opportunities, this […]

ClusterCS for the second time at IMWorld

Dacă am face un top al business-urilor românești de succes din sfera IT am strânge o listă destul de mare iar ClusterCS cu siguranță se va află pe această. Probabil chiar în top 100 sau top 50 dacă filtrăm doar business-urile ce se adresează în special clienților internaționali. Se pare că este imposibil să treacă […]

BEIA Consult at IMWorld 2017

BEIA Consult is a leading provider of telecommunications equipment in Romania, having an experience of 25 years in more than 10,000 projects for telephone centers, telephone networks, voice and data communications networks and advanced communications solutions. The products we offer are perfectly adapted to the needs of communication in the business environment, regardless of order […]

IMWorld Partner Event, IAA Global Conference will take place on October 24-25

Organizata sub tema “Creativity can Change the World”, Conferinta Globala IAA aduce la Bucuresti in 24 si 25 Octombrie peste 20 de vorbitori de talie mondiala, din toate colturile lumii, impreuna cu Steve Wozniak – co fondatorul Apple. Stephen Gary Wozniak, supranumit The WOZ, este un inginer American, inventatorul primului computer personal, creatorul computerelor Apple […]

CONNECTIONS is turning Technology into business transformation 

  The hot conversation in business is Transformation. Specifically, Digital Transformation. There’s good reason for the popularity – it’s well-documented how Digital is disrupting everything.   How customers experience each organization, how employees experience their work inside the organization, and how deeply the external experiences (competitors, regulators, etc) affect organizations.    When we talk about transformation, we’re talking about change. Technology moves fast so we need to ensure the change we implement is flexible and above all else, sustainable.   Connections does exactly this- it implements or is helping its partners to implement sustainable and flexible solutions, tailored for multiple businesses and end-users.   At IMWorld event, you will be able to see two of our latest solutions developed in line with the latest technologically trends:  ROBOCON– Business Process Automation Framework    RPA based on UiPath technology.  Automation framework for redundant business processing ops (FMCG, tech companies – software testing).  Dedicated team managing productizing of RPA framework, building solutions and providing RPA-based services.  Integration of RPA-based services with traditional, human-based […]

Onlinet Group at IMWORLD 2017 

ONLINET GROUP is the Expert of Customer Services and a leading European innovator of Queue Management Systems. We not just design, develop and manufacture, but we shape the future of this technology. Used on 4 continents, from Washington to Tokyo, our systems create efficiency, improve productivity and increase sales.  Our activities:  -Hardware design  -Hardware manufacturing  -Software […]

The little big things that matters in a conference room – Logitech Video Collaboration devices 

It’s no secret the Logitech Video Collaboration team has launched some big products over the past year (e.g. BRIO – our best webcam ever or Logitech Connect).  We are continuously working with the purpose of solving real customer problems and further enhancing some of our already great products.    Some of those enhancements come from our own team of engineers, product experts, […]

Wirecard Romania reinvents the payments!

  At IMWorld 2017, Wirecard Romania (formerly Provus Service Provider), part of Wirecard Group alongside Romcard and Supercard Solutions & Services, presents solutions that reinvent payments online, offline and mobile.   We invite you to join us in discovering revolutionary white label solutions that can be individually personalized.   mPOS – the solution that allows payments to be made away from the cash register, wherever the business is   POS Sharing – the […]

The World’s Premier Marketing Leadership Expert is coming at IMWorld

You look very passionate about your work. What made you decide to become a marketing leadership conference speaker? What keeps the passion alive? I absolutely love marketing—from when I was a little child. What I didn’t like was the fact that many marketers love their job—but struggle in their careers. This has to stop. That’s […]

Admiral Markets presents Cryptocurrencies trading solutions at Internet and Mobile World

Admiral Markets presents Cryptocurrencies trading solutions at Internet and Mobile World   Admiral Markets is a leading online trading provider, offering trading with CFDs on cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments like stocks, indices, commodities or currencies.  Admiral Markets will participate for the first time at Internet and Mobile World, giving attendees a comprehensive image of the […]

Blugento revine la IMWorld

Blugento se întoarce la Internet&Mobile World Bucureşti pentru cea de-a sasea ediție. Acesta este al doilea an în care participăm la IMWorld și sperăm ca evenimentul să aibă la fel de mult succes ca și în anul precedent. Ce este Blugento? Blugento este o soluție eCommerce ultra-performantă construită pe platforma Magento, cea mai populară platformă […]

Cegeka at IMWorld 2017

We live in a world where digital transformation and disruption have become the new normal. Companies have to constantly reinvent themselves. They face the difficult task of keeping a cool head and taking the right steps in the digital arena. Our mission is to help  companies, developers, engineers and organisations survive and thrive in a […]

IMWorld Partner Event, MK4IT București will take place on October 26th

Reprezentanții principalelor platforme de recrutare din România, respectiv al unora din cele mai importante companii IT active în țara noastră, își dau întâlnire în 26 octombrie, la Marketing 4 IT București. Persoanele interesate pot beneficia până în 13 septembrie de bilete în regim Early Bird. Pe scena singurei conferințe de marketing dedicate marketerilor și specialiștilor […]

First officially recognized as a cyborg by a government, at IMWorld 2017

Neil Harbisson, first officially recognized as a cyborg by a government, will be on Main Stage at IMWorld 6th edition, October 4-5, Romexpo, Bucharest. The power of technology has radically changed his life by giving him the opportunity to hear colors, instead of recognizing them through sight. That`s why, IMWorld is going to show you […]

The productivity rate in Romania is six times less than Europe average – and the lack of digital solutions usage is main factor

In 2017, we may easily get lost in the large number of distractions in the electronic workplace, therefore we may overlook important things. Given all the potential interference and the overload at work, one of the best things the software creators can do is pull more of the most relevant information we need to do […]

IMWorld inaugurates the Security Stage

“The recent high-profile cyber-attacks have acknowledged the threat for both governments and companies. To encourage business environment and IT specialists to take a more active approach, the expo-conference Internet & Mobile World will inaugurate on its 6th edition the Cyber Security Stage”, announced Alexandru Maxineanu, project manager IMWorld. For thousands of entrepreneurs and employees from […]

Masterpass accelerează evoluția plăților online și mobile pentru eMAG, Fashion Days, UPC și Romcard

eMAG, Fashion Days și UPC facilitează accesul consumatorilor la cea mai modernă experiență de plată, prin intermediul Masterpass Romcard va integra portofelul digital online și mobil în platforma Masterpass a Mastercard   București, România — Mastercard a extins acceptarea soluției de plăți digitale Masterpass în România, prin intermediul unor parteneriate strategice încheiate cu unii dintre […]

Aplicaţia Pago, lansată cu sprijinul Mastercard, va simplifica plata facturilor, impozitelor și nu numai

Aplicația Pago va utiliza serviciile digitale Masterpass dezvoltate de Mastercard, pentru simplificarea și securizarea experienței la plată a consumatorilor Lansarea oficială va avea loc în primul trimestru din 2017 și va permite plata electronică a facturilor, impozitelor, amenzilor și alte tipuri de plăți BUCUREȘTI, România — Mastercard sprijină lansarea Pago, un produs nou pe piața […]

Programul Mastercard Start Path Global caută startup-uri din România

În această perioadă se derulează ediția de iarnă a programului Start Path Global 2016 București, România — În cadrul programului Start Path Global, Mastercard colaborează cu startup-uri pentru a le ajuta în extinderea afacerilor şi a soluțiilor dezvoltate, precum și în creșterea profitabilității. Programul Start Path este parte a angajamentului Mastercard de a colabora cu […]

The Marketing Strategy – a key factor for a success or failure of an online business

The online sales depends on the efficiency of the conducted marketing campaigns. A well established promotion campaign generates traffic and optimizes the user experience on e-stores, while at the same time, an inefficiently created campaign is not only unprofitable, but may even cause loss of capital. The most used marketing tactics in eCommerce are PPC […]

Cele mai noi tendințe în tehnologie au fost discutate la Internet & Mobile World 2016

Cea mai amplă expo-conferință soluții digitale și IT pentru afaceri din Europa Centrală și de Est, Internet & Mobile World a transformat în perioada 5-6 octombrie Pavilionul Central de la Romexpo în cel mai mare hub de tehnologie, adunând laolaltă peste 8,500 de de specialiști în IT, marketing și programare. Evenimentul a atras participanții oferind […]

The power of online payments

  Prepare yourself to find out the answer to your most important online payments questions, while having fun and enjoying every part of the presentation. Meet Marius Costin – Country Manager PayU Romania at IMWorld’s Digital & E-Commerce Stage on October 6, starting at 12.30.

Brinel at IMWorld Bucharest

Compania BRINEL se regaseste cu consecventa pe piata, de 25 de ani, printre furnizorii autohtoni relevanti de solutii si servicii IT&C integrate, construite pe platforme multi-vendor. Managementul relatiei cu clientii, planificarea si gestionarea resurselor companiei/instituiei, sisteme pentru interactiuni multiple, centre de date private precum și solutii personalizate fac parte din ceea ce realizam pentru beneficiari. […]

Documenta va lansa in cadrul IMWorld 2016 conceptul de ‘’Your office everywhere’’

Te invitam in zilele de 5 si 6 octombrie sa ne vizitezi standul pentru a experimenta alaturi de noi ce inseamna mobilitatea si accesul rapid la informatii intr-o lume digitala. Conceptul este simplu: mobilitatea si informatia sunt doua chei vitale pentru cei ce doresc sa performeze pe termen lung. Utilizand Documenta le obtii pe amandoua […]

Welcome to the IoT Apocalypse – When Smart Cameras Knock Websites Offline

While most of the world was preparing for the weekend, a remotely controlled army of compromised smart devices was knocking websites off the Internet. The past week saw two of the most aggressive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in the history of the Internet. One, targeting the security blog of journalist Brian Krebs, peaked at 665 megabits […]

PwC – Startup Collider at IMWorld

“PwC announced the opening of Startup Collider, a new initiative for nurturing and promoting the Central and Eastern European startups. PwC will provide the startups with a workspace within PwCnetwork, a mansion for their accommodation during the acceleration program, highly qualified dedicated mentors and provide a shorter route to market. The first cohort of the Startup Collider will focus on startups with […]


At IMWorld 2016, Wirecard-Provus Group (Provus Service Provider, Romcard, Supercard Solutions & Services) presents solutions that reinvent payments online, offline and mobile. We invite you to join us in discovering revolutionary white label solutions that can be individually personalized. HCE (Host card Emulation) – the solution that transforms a smartphone into a chip card mPOS […]

Business Intelligence Solution that uncovers hidden stories in your data

In today’s business life Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) increasingly represent serious competitive factors. This at most begins already in the stage of the operative and strategic company planning and goes on in the reporting system. For the management, information and data are mostly available in abundance. Business Intelligence enables you to […]

Simfony Mobile isi anunta prezenta in cadrul IMWorld 2016

Simfony Mobile  va participa anul acesta pentru prima data la Internet&Mobile World, care va avea loc la Romexpo intre 5-6 Octombrie. Ce inseamna IoT si cum poate acesta imbunatati activitatea unui jucator important dintr-o industrie cheie, puteti afla in mod direct chiar de la inginerii Simfony Mobile. Iata doar cateva dintre solutiile pe care le […]


We Are In the Acceleration Business. We help customers use technology to slash the time it takes to turn ideas into value. In turn, they transform industries, markets and lives. Some of our customers run traditional IT environments. Most are transitioning to a secure, cloud-enabled, mobile-friendly infrastructure. Many rely on a combination of both. Wherever […]

TARA interactive joins IMWorld Bucharest

TARA interactive, the full spectrum development company, announces that it will attend the IMWorld 2016 Event on October 5-6, 2016. “We are pleased that we have established a legacy in the software industry due to our innovative processes and methodologies in software projects delivery”, said Vlad Lepadatu, CEO of TARA interactive, “We are looking to […]

M247 Europe attends IMWORLD, Bucharest

M247 Europe joins for the 2nd year in a row Internet & Mobile World in Bucharest, one of the biggest digital events in Central and Eastern Europe. This year, besides showcasing our innovative and complete ICT solutions for the business community, we are going to introduce our NEWEST service: a DDoS Protection & Mitigation Solution. […]

Discover how to close the gap between ideas & objectives

A smart guy once said that the only strategy a consumer sees is the execution. If you put it that way, it looks like creativity has a big weight on its shoulders… unless it’s just creativity for the sake of it. What we’ve noticed, through the past years, is that we sometimes tend to get […]

SEO Cupcake la ImWorld 2016: Solutii pentru optimizarea SEO a magazinelor online

1. Dezvolti/Ai dezvoltat un magazin online pe una din platformele Magento/PrestaShop/Opencart? 2. Doresti sa descoperi oportunitatile SEO pe nisa ta de business? 3. Inovezi continutul privind produsele raportat la optimizarea site-ului? 4. Ai o strategie SEO prin care sa cresti recomandarile de tip backlinks? 5. Monitorizezi datele metrice din Google Analytics si Google Search Console? […]

Welcome to Dynamicweb 9

The brand new All-in-One Platform to grow and optimize your digital business. Brand new platform and user interface With Dynamicweb 9, you get access to a new platform and user interface that wille make it much easier and faster to handle your Content, Ecommerce and Marketing. Watch the release webinar recording (September 2016) The design is […]

IMWorld 2016: Speakeri de Top, Soluții personalizate și Networking la cel mai înalt nivel

Romexpo va fi la începutul lui octombrie kilometrul 0 al industriei de tehnologie în Europa Centrală și de Est. Reprezentanții a peste 4500 de companii din regiune vor participa la cea de-a cincea ediție a expo-conferinței Internet&Mobile World, în perioada 5-6 octombrie. Aducând laolaltă peste 4,500 de companii din regiune, România devine pentru 2 zile […]

QuickMobile at IMWorld Bucharest

QuickMobile is the tech retailer that always provides the easiest access to the smartest technology. We search the world for the coolest gadgets, the latest phones, and all kinds of accessories. For years we’ve been the first to bring new releases in Romania. This year we are bigger, stronger, faster and we plan to go […]

AROBS Transilvania Software brings Optimall BI – an intelligent solution for your business

Most leaders are not interested in data management. Most leaders don’t need data; they need information. They don’t have the time to pick out the relevant information from a range of statements generated through the company’s management system; they need to see WHAT’S ESSENTIAL, and they need it IMMEDIATELY! With reliable, current and easily accessible […]

Bridge the Gap Between #PaperAndDigital

Xerox lansează oficial în România soluția de Enterprise Content Management Xerox® DocuShare® 7.0 alături de noul partener, High Tech Systems & Software Romania (HTSS). HTSS adaugă performanțelor DocuShare experiența a peste 10 ani în dezvoltarea și implementarea de soluții software în domenii complexe precum retail, medical/pharma, IT, servicii profesionale, logistică și distribuție. În plus, demonstrăm […]

HyperMedia joins IMWorld Bucharest

HyperMedia is a dynamic Romanian company with a real background in multimedia distributed systems especially collaborative work environments, eServices, mobile multimedia, multi-agent platforms, human-machine interaction, interactive tools and heterogeneous telecommunications infrastructures. IMWorld 2016 is an important event for our company, so that we choose it for launching HyperTalk 2.0, a comprehensive and cost effective solution […]


This year at IMWORLD in Bucharest ETA2U will have two main attractions at its stand: LoRaWAN – a new innovative communication technology for the Internet of Things, ZAX Solution – in-house developed manufacturing execution system (MES) for small and medium sized enterprises LoRaWAN – Low Powered Wide Area Network for IoT Systems LoRaWAN stands for […]

Donau participa la Internet & Mobile World

Donau – de peste 12 ani evoluam alaturi de clientii nostri si oferim produse software personalizate in functie de nevoile si cerintele acestora. In acest an, la IMWorld promovam doua dintre produsele noastre: Ideal SFA si Symbio. Ideal SFA, prima aplicatie dezvoltata de noi eficientizeaza activitatea companiilor de tip FMCG, ce implica gestiunea complexa a fortei de […]

Influența tehnologiei asupra modului de lucru din organizații

Evoluția tehnologiei influențează constant modul în care se realizează comunicarea: aceasta este simplă, instantă și accesibilă tot mai multor oameni. Se pot trimite documente, clipuri și imagini oriunde în lume, instant, la costuri minime. Instrumentele actuale fac posibile lucratul de la distanță sau colaborări internaționale. Aceste schimbări au loc inclusiv în organizații, modul de lucru […]

Globally experienced IT company at IM World, Bucharest

  ROPARDO participates second year in a row at Internet & Mobile World in Bucharest, 5-6 October 2016, eager as ever to exhibit most reliable solutions tailored by our A team for a wide variety of customers. ROPARDO is an independent leading software engineering company providing customers with key competitive advantages – Innovation, Quality, Timely […]

Brainspotting Consultants want to discuss more about conter-offering – fun facts and statistics that will help you address them right

Statistics show that nine out of ten people who accept counter offers have left their employment within six months, either because their employers arrange a replacement in their own time, or because the real reasons for wanting to change your job in the first place, have not gone away. While the practice earns little respect, […]

Dynamic DOX® – Workflow management designed for Humans

  At this year’s Internet and Mobile World, besides the regular services offered, Essensys Software will be showcasing its new workflow management platform, Dynamic DOX® – Designed for Humans Dynamic DOX® is a state of the art web platform that enables organizations to implement efficient and transparent digital processes and transition from ad-hoc and unstructured […]

Onlinet Group at IMWORLD in Bucharest

ONLINET GROUP is the Expert of Customer Services and a leading European innovator of Queue Management Systems. We not just design, develop and manufacture, but we shape the future of this technology. Used on 4 continents, from Washington to Tokyo, our systems create efficiency, improve productivity and increase sales. This is why we not only […]

ZYNK at IMWorld in Bucharest

ZYNK SOFTWARE is a leading provider of custom mo­bile, web, cloud and big data software development and consulting services.  Whether you are a start-up or an established business, we are prepared to assist you in any stage of develop­ment life cycle: idea, business analysis, design, proto­type, development, deployment and maintenance. Founded in 2010, ZYNK delivered […]


Beans United, the 1st and only HubSpot partner agency in Romania, is happy to announce its third participation at IMWorld. The team that will join this year’s edition said: ”We like remarkable events so we cannot wait to meet curious participants and tell them about the remarkable results inbound marketing brings to businesses in Romania […]

DPD at IMWorld in Bucharest

For us, our clients’ satisfaction is top priority. This is why we invest time, money and know how in palpable innovations. This is year we proudly introduced the easiest, fasted and most reliable solution for payments at delivery. DPD is the first courier in Romania that implemented the card payments option at delivery, via mobile […]

Who we are? Whyttest

Whyttest was founded in the year 2014 in Bucharest, Romania. Our main activity and focus is Quality. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the best Romanian QA veterans – to help build a family. At the beginning of 2014, our company only had 3 employees. Now we have over 60 and growing. We’re working along […]

JobRouter AG at IMWorld in Bucharest

JobRouter AG will participate again this year in the Internet & Mobile World in Bucharest. You are welcome to our stand to experience the fourth generation of our Workflow Management System. JobRouter® 4.0 has a new graphical user interface, mobile client as well as many new functionalities. JobRouter AG is a leading global supplier on […]

MiniCRM introduces Customer Relationship Mentality: the new way to manage relationship with your clients

Since the digital world and high-tech era started, customer behaviour has changed and became more complex and complicated. For many companies, it is extremely hard to find a new way to attract and manage their potential clients efficiently as well as communicate with current customers. You might ask what exactly is the main cause of […]

HyperMedia at IMWorld in Bucharest

HyperMedia is a dynamic Romanian company with a real background in multimedia distributed systems especially collaborative work environments, eServices, mobile multimedia, multi-agent platforms, human-machine interaction, interactive tools and heterogeneous telecommunications infrastructures. IMWorld 2016 is an important event for our company, so that we choose it for launching HyperTalk 2.0, a comprehensive and cost effective solution […]

Piata romaneasca de IT, vector de crestere al economiei

In ultimii ani, industria de IT a devenit unul dintre principalii vectori de crestere ai economiei romanesti. Numai in anul 2015, contributia sectorului tehnologic la produsul intern brut al Romaniei a crescut cu 13%, iar specialistii prognozeaza o crestere continua. In plus, industria de software romaneasca este apreciata si peste hotare, exporturile in domeniu atingand […]

Serverroom at IMWorld in Bucharest

Does your  business deliver live or on-demand content? How about doing so across all devices, from a single source? Server Room combines all the aspects of streaming, to include content ingestion, distribution natively to all devices and distribution through your own mobile app, developed free of charge. Our mobile apps allow you to easily monetize […]

Intralinks at IMWorld in Bucharest

Intralinks is a global content collaboration company that accelerates business beyond boundaries by providing a secure platform to exchange, share and collaborate on high-value content across teams, partners, customers, counterparties and regulators. The Intralinks secure collaboration platform controls content in motion to accelerate deals, streamline digital processes, deepen customer engagement and reduce regulatory risk. Intralinks’ […]

Lideri internationali din domeniul tehnologiei vin la Bucuresti

Unii dintre cei mai renumiti lideri din domeniul digital si IT vin toamna aceasta la Bucuresti. Peste 130 de speakeri internationali si locali vor urca pe cele 5 scene de continut din cadrul Internet&Mobile World. Acestia vor prezenta inovatiile anului in domeniul tehnologiei in 90 de sesiuni de prezentari, studii de caz si workshop-uri, desfasurate […]

Peste 1,800 solutii digitale pentru afaceri la Internet&Mobile World

Peste 1,800 de produse si servicii digitale vor fi prezentate la Internet&Mobile World in aceasta toamna, cea mai ampla expo-conferinta de solutii digitale si IT pentru afaceri din Europa Centrala si de Est. Desfasurat pe 5-6 octombrie la Romexpo Bucuresti, evenimentul reuneste participanti de pe tot continentul pentru 2 zile de sesiuni de prezentari pe […]