Internet & Mobile World Team

White Image is ready to take you in an Amazing Customer Journey. You are?

27 September 2017, 20:54

Journeys are great, you have to belive us! 14 years ago we’ve started the most amazing trip. 2003 when we’ve brought email marketing concept and loyalty solutions in Romania. Now we are sailing to the future and hoping to get ahead of many at the destination.

Which is the most efficient and shortest route from awareness to retention? This is maybe one of the most common question in “our” world. Actually we live in the era where data is like a one way escalators for customers. But to be sure this journey will be smooth and enjoyable we must take care of a few extremely important issues.

These elements drove us to our speech-focus: The three ways of using micro-moments to create an Amazing Customer Journey.

Without telling you the essence you have to know that you’ll discover, rediscover and deepen

– how data and customers’ expectations are amazing dancing partners
– how you can use data for prospecting and predictive lead scoring
– The magic wand: automatization
– why digital ground (and especially mobile) is the new storefront an not only because that more and more customers are purchasing online, — but because a lot of trips to a physical store begin in front of a… screen
– and, a lot more

White Image main drive of agency is: passion for marketing. This is why that many customers choose to use our creative and optimization services for both online and offline conversion processes. And also, our main drive led us to a lot of international awards.
The main focus of the agency is on optimizing communication processes with direct response and generating conversions using Big Data. Actually, White Image is building the foundation of this area, being involved in creation of the market, setting new trends and permanently educating the market to understand the most effective solutions


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