Monthly Archives: September 2017

DynamiXRM at IMWorld

Hello, nice to meet you! How are we and what we do? Well, we are humans and we enjoy life. In DynamiXRM, we do what we like most: we are go-getters. It’s more than software, it’s about experiences and growth. So, let us present you GoGet365® which is DynamiXRM’ s product suite developed using the Microsoft platform: GoGet365 Portal, GoGet365 Office of the future (RO: Biroul Viitorului), GoGet365 EcoReport & GoGet365 Money. For more details about GoGet365® products, please visit: For […]

Consilo WEB is coming at IMWorld

Consilo WEB este o companie sibiană specializată în externalizarea serviciilor de vânzare la distanță. Din 2015 aducem valoare partenerilor noștri adaptându-ne soluțiile la cerințele și nevoile acestora, creând astfel experiențe pozitive pentru ei și pentru clienții lor. În ultimul an, ne-am specializat în Telesales pentru industria Telecom, în special pe servicii de loializare și retenție […]

Xpert Eye – a digital transformation initiative for your organization

Digital transformation is the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology to improve the way it performs and serves its constituents. Digital refers to the use of technology that generates, stores and processes data. The term transformation refers to a fundamental change to an organization’s day-to-day business from the types of products and services it produces […]

Mircea Grigoraș, CERT-RO Deputy General Director: “We estimate that 59% of the IT systems in Romania are vulnerable”

CERT-RO is one of the institutions responsible with cyber security in Romania. How does a major cyber-attack look like from CERT-RO’s perspective? We have recently had the opportunity to observe such a situation with WannaCry. We saw how things can become confusing when everyone starts commenting on the subject and those comments get presented as […]

Paperless or less paper?

Live demonstration at NextDocs booth Every day we are reminded that we live in a digital age. We read the news or we do our banking online. Yet our offices are still “seeding” paper based processes.   In 2016, humans created more than half a billion tons of paper. It’s no wonder that more than a quarter of all landfill waste is paper. Not only is […]

HERE: Autonomous driving 

The rich promise of autonomous driving is often discussed, with benefits from cheaper car insurance, to shorter journey times being touted. The question, however, is how do we get there? How do we get to a place where these benefits aren’t just discussed, but realized?  To achieve autonomous driving, mastering the map is essential. Highly […]

AMR o lună până la Marketing 4 IT: ce ți se pregătește

Cea de-a treia ediție a conferinței Marketing 4 IT prinde tot mai mult contur. Cu o lună înainte de data evenimentului, 26 octombrie, organizatorii dezvăluie ultimele noutăți, dar și o parte din ce li se pregătește participanților. Centrat în jurul temei “Sit Down with the Professionals”, evenimentul va reuni 16 speakeri, specialiști în Employer Branding […]

eflex – build your own features!

Did you ever need to change a simple thing in your website but had to contact the IT department for that? With eflex we are trying to provide a new way for companies to manage their websites. Fast and reliable, full with all kind of automations the platform will make you rethink the way you […]